BaseLine Batch

BaseLine Batch can alert you to any security changes at any of the email addresses you send to. It is the third step in using CheckTLS to meet your email security needs:

  1. Check your own email system.
    Use the More Options features on the two tests on our home page, Check How You Send Email and Check How You Get Email to thoroughly test your email.
  2. Check email addresses you send to.
    Use CheckTLS "Batches" to run //email/testTo: ("TestReceiver") on a number of email addresses and only report on a few details like ConfidenceFactor, TLS Version, etc.
  3. Know if anything changes.
    • For your own email system, monitor a Thru BatchTest targeting your own Domain.
    • For all other email addresses, monitor all the addresses you send to with BaseLine Batch.
    "Screws fall out all the time, the world is an imperfect place."

That last step is important because you are responsible for protecting mail you send (See "The Responsible Party" section of Internet Email Security Made Simple)
your emailer will send plain text if the recipient asks you to (prove this with //email/testMandatoryFrom:).

BaseLine Batch

With BaseLine Batch, you run your Batch of email addresses once and tell CheckTLS to save the results. Then when you run it again, you only see the differences between today and the saved results (the "BaseLine").

BaseLine Batch makes checking email addresses 1000 times faster. Instead of periodically looking at every address, only look at the ones that have changed. A tuned BaseLine Batch typically flags one out of a thousand addresses.

At any time you can update a BaseLine score, so if a target fixes or improves their email, you can set the new score as their BaseLine.

With BaseLine Batch, you:

  1. list all the email addresses you send to (just the Domain part, the "Target")
  2. test the addresses and split the results into "Good", "Bad", and "Untestable" Batches
  3. run the Batches once to set the "BaseLine" scores
  4. change the Batches to compare BaseLines
  5. tune the Batches
  6. run them regularly

These steps are described below.

Using BaseLine Batch

BaseLine Batch uses a lot of XML files. Microsoft Notepad will edit XML files, or download Microsoft's XML Notepad (required Edge to download) or Microsoft's more advanced XML Copy Editor.

CheckTLS can upload an Excel workbook that makes creating and maintaining the XML Batch source file easier. See //email/excelBatch.

We suggest you follow the steps below with raw XML files using the example Targets, but use Excel workbooks to work with your production tests.

1. list all the email addresses you send to

Use the New button in //email/testBatch to create a Batch of all the targets you want to BaseLine: <BatchTest TestType="receiverquick"> <Target></Target> <Target></Target> <Target></Target> <Target></Target> <Delivery> <Format>csv</Format> </Delivery> </BatchTest>

In production, we recommend limiting a Batch to about 5000 Targets and using multiple Batches if you have more that.

2. test the addresses once and split the results

Run the Batch (Run Now button in //email/testBatch) and wait for it to finish (Show Queue button).

split the Targets into three new Batches:

3. run the Batches once to set the "BaseLine"

Run the Batches and wait for them to finish.

4. change the Batches to compare BaseLines

Switch the Batches from setting the BaseLine to checking the BaseLine by changing the TestType to "baseline": <BatchTest TestType="baseline"> <Target></Target> <Target></Target> <Target></Target> <Target></Target> <Delivery> <Format>csv</Format> </Delivery> </BatchTest>

Running the Batches now will compare the current state (Score) of each Target with the saved BaseLine state. The result is just the targets that have changed: "Target","BaseLineScore","CurrentScore","Match" "","110","0","0" "","57","121","0" You can also use <Format>xml</Format>: <CheckTLS> <Results test="BatchTest_baseline" version="V03.17.09" format="xml" id="2" description="BaseLine compare" > <Result origin=""> <eMailAddress></eMailAddress> <BaseLineScore>110</BaseLineScore> <CurrentScore>0</CurrentScore> <Match>0</Match> <eMailAddress></eMailAddress> <BaseLineScore>57</BaseLineScore> <CurrentScore>121</CurrentScore> <Match>0</Match> </Result> </Results> </CheckTLS> Notice BaseLine test has a Match node so you do not have to parse and compare scores.

5. tune the Batches

Taking time to tune the BaseLine will save time in the future and improve your results.

If you are working through this page to learn BaseLine Batch, we suggest you use //email/editBaseLines to change the BaseLine score for the example Targets and run the BaseLine Batch to see the effect. For example if you change the BaseLine score for to 100 ("good") and to 0 ("bad"), running the BaseLine Batch will show that was "good" and is now "bad" and was "bad" and is now "good".

Once you have run a BaseLine, the following tuning can improve your results:

For really large Batches (thousands of Targets), see the next section "BaseLine Batch Auto-Tune".

6. run them regularly

When you want to compare the present settings with your saved BaseLine, run the Batch. As above, the result will be just the targets that have changed.

Periodically, if not every time, you should tune the BaseLine with new results. If a Target changes you should remove the old Match and add the new one, so future BaseLines will BaseLine against the Target's new Score.

If you ever want to completely reload all the BaseLines from this Batch, just reset the Format value and add the BaseLine attribute back and run the Batch. Just don't forget to put them back or you will replace the BaseLine every run instead of comparing to the BaseLine.

Moving to Production

When you have your BaseLine Batches tuned to only report problems, you can tell the Batches to only send a results email if something changed: either a Production ("Good") Target going bad, or a bad Target getting fixed. See Suppress in About Batch.

BaseLine Batch Auto-Tune

Auto-Tune automates the process of tuning large Batches. It removes mis-matches (failed BaseLine Targets) by adding new allowed matching scores for the mis-matches.

This is similar to re-running the Batch from scratch to reset all the BaseLines, but instead of replacing all the scores it adds new ones for any Targets that need them.

You should review the results of an automatic tune to make sure you don't inadvertently add a score that you do not want to accept. Targets effectively disappear from your exception report when you add their Score as a match.

To Auto-Tune a BaseLine Batch:

Manual BaseLine Batch Auto-Tune

To Manually Auto-Tune a BaseLine Batch:

Types of BaseLines

We suggest you group email addresses ("Targets") that you want to test into three types:

Remember that our Confidence Factor does not score the email address; rather it specifically scores the security of the email address.

Good Email

A BaseLine of Good Targets is a list of email addresses that you use that must be encrypted. You want to know if ever any one of them "breaks" and stops accepting encrypted emails. If one does break, you know to stop using it and contact them (maybe before they even realize they have a problem). If the Target is broken for a long time you may have to move it to one of the below BaseLines.

These should have Match Scores of 90 or above. Why accept a score that is measurably insecure? If you do find a Target below 90 that you want to accept, we allow you to add it.

Bad Email

A BaseLine of Bad Targets is a list of email addresses that you are not using because they are not encrypted. You want to know if ever any one of them gets "fixed" and starts accepting encrypted emails. Once they are OK you can let your organization know they can start using these email addresses. Then you should move fixed addresses to a Good BaseLine to make sure it stays secure.

These have Match Scores of 0 (zero) to 49. Note 50 is a special case below.

Untestable Email

A BaseLine of Untestable Targets is a list of email addresses that CheckTLS is unable to test. We don't know if they are secure or not, so we give them a "fifty fifty" chance. You want to know if ever any one of them gets "fixed" so CheckTLS can reach them and start testing them.

These have Match Scores of exactly 50.

Working Around Email Vagaries

Internet Email is designed to "never lose an email" and "get the mail through". It has enough redundancies to make sending any one email an adventure, as two emails sent at the same time can go two different ways. That makes it impossible to answer the question "Will every email ever sent to be properly encrypted?"

Which is why CheckTLS created the ConfidenceFactor. It takes everything into consideration to answer the question "How good is's email security?"

We call all the differences that an email system can exhibit "Vagaries".

Vagaries can result in a "false report" of a BaseLine change. The most common "false report" is when an email server gets busy and tells the sender to "try again later". This is expressly allowed by the formal email standard, and the sender is instructed to just try again in a few minutes. But our real-time test reports that as a failure to connect.

Other "false reports" come from one server in a redundant server pool having slightly different settings, or catching a site in the process of routine maintenance, etc. All these result in a slightly different Confidence Factor.

When doing BaseLine testing, we recommend TestType="receiverquick". "receiverquick" uses the Quick option in //email/testTo: to test only the one most likely MX host for a domain. This eliminiates most Vagaries.

Between any two BaseLine "receiverquick" runs we see less than 0.5% mis-matched Confidence Factors. So CheckTLS BaseLine testing makes checking your trading partners' emails 200 times easier.

A few simple tune-ups can reduce false reports to one in a thousand or less:

Advanced Features

BaseLine testing has some additional features:

Multiple Scores and Score Minimums and Maximums

//email/editBaseLines lets you list two or more scores that will match a Target. It also lets you set a scoring range that will match, so for example you can use the range 88 to 121 to mean "Yes this domain uses TLS 1.2 or better".

Multiple BaseLines for a Single Targets

The standard //email/testTo: ("TestReceiver") test has many options. BaseLine Batch lets you check the same Targets with different options. For example, you can BaseLine the Targets's security with TLS version 1.2 and separately with TLS version 1.3: <Target SSLVersion="TLSv1_2"></Target> <Target SSLVersion="TLSv1_3"></Target> This will show you when changes from TLS v1.2 to TLS v1.3.

BaseLine Batch keeps the full Target email address so you can BaseLine the same Targets with different settings.

BaseLine and Details in the Same Batch

With a simple hack you can use a BaseLine Batch to show details like SSLVersion and Cert expiration for the same Targets that are in the BaseLine. Keep two <Delivery> nodes at the bottom of the Batch, one that makes it a BaseLine and one that makes it show details. Comment out one or the other to control what the Batch does. For example: <BatchTest TestType="receiverquick"> <Target></Target> <Target></Target> <Target></Target> <Target></Target> <Delivery> <Format>xml</Format> </Delivery> <!-- <Delivery> <To>file</To> <Format>xml-certdetail</Format> <OnlyNode>eMailAddress</OnlyNode> <OnlyNode>ConfidenceQFactor</OnlyNode> <OnlyNode>//MX[1]/@exchange</OnlyNode> <OnlyNode>//MX[1]/SSL/SSLVersion</OnlyNode> <OnlyNode>//MX[1]/SSL/Cipher</OnlyNode> <OnlyNode>//MX[1]/SSL/Certs/Cert[@number=1]/NotValidAfter</OnlyNode> </Delivery> --> </BatchTest>

WebService (API)

You can maintain the stored BaseLines for a Batch by using BaseLineEdit as a WebService.

Success returns: <Results> <Result>Success: = 99</Result> </Results>
Any errors returns: <Errors> <Error>Invalid COMPANYCODE or COMPANYPASS: See FAQ</Error> <Error>Invalid BATCHID: 1a</Error> <Error>Invalid TARGET: (blank)</Error> <Error>Invalid SCORE: alpha</Error> </Errors>
Success returns: <Results> <Result>Success: 1 record deleted</Result> </Results>
Delete all records with a ScoreMin between 0 and 10 and a ScoreMax between 20 and 30: ? &COMPANYPASS=IllNeverTell &BATCHID=52 &SCOREMIN=0..10 &SCOREMAX=20..30 &ACTION=wsDeleteScores
To delete all records with a ScoreMin below 50 use: &SCOREMIN=0..50 &SCOREMAX=0..999
Success returns: <Results> <Result>Success: 437 records deleted</Result> </Results>